Free Wellness Cat Food

Free Wellness Cat Food

You can't beat free. My cat is so picky when it comes to canned cat food that I accept all free offers. That way I can try a brand before actually spending money on it. This saves me from countless cans of cat food that my cat turns her nose at. Wellness is the latest company offering a free can of their cat food.

In order to get the free can of Wellness cat food, you have to visit's coupon page. There are a ton of coupons that you may want to take advantage of. I know while I was visiting I grabbed a coupon for Kellogg's cereal and a Buy One, Get One Free coupon for Carvel ice cream. From the coupon page, you must scroll down until you see the coupon for a free can of Wellness cat food. It has a blue line across the top that reads “Petco Pals Coupon.”
Print the coupon out on your printer. The coupon states that it is good for any three ounce can of Wellness' cubed, minced or sliced cat food. Currently, the cat food comes in the following flavors: beef and salmon, beef and chicken, chicken and herring, chicken and lobster, chicken, salmon and trout, sardine,  shrimp and crab, turkey and salmon, and turkey.

What I love about this coupon is that you don't need to register to in order to get it. You can simply find it, click on it and print it out. Then you take it to the store and exchange it for a free can of Wellness cat food.