Free Sample: Stayfree Ultra Thin Regular with Wings

Living in a house full of girls, I always appreciate free samples of feminine hygiene products. This is especially true since my daughter is still trying to discover the brand of maxi pads that she likes best. A sample saves me from having to buy an entire box of pads that she ends up thinking are uncomfortable and don’t offer enough protection.

Stayfree is currently offering a free sample of their ultra thin regular maxi pads with wings. I have a feeling this may be a product that my daughter will actually like because the pads are thick and bulky. They also offer wings for better protection from leaks.

To get the free sample, all you have to do is head to the free sampling site and fill out the form. Your full name and complete mailing address are required. Then you must enter your email address, birth date, and gender before hitting the submit button.

A small survey will pop up on the screen after you have entered your information. It will only take a minute to fill out the survey, which is used by the company to create products that tailor to your needs. There is one final box that you may or may not check. If you want to be the first to know about new Stayfree products in the future, check the box. Otherwise, leave it blank. Hit submit one final time.

Stayfree will tell you that the sample will arrive in the mail within four to six weeks time. In the meantime, you are allowed to enter your friends email address if you happen to know anyone who would like to take advantage of this free offer.

Get $5 Off Your Take-out Order with Eat24

I just discovered Eat24 and love the concept of it. The site is filled with restaurants around the United States that accept online take-out orders. There are three ways you can search the website to find the restaurant you want to order from. You can search by your physical address, by the type of cuisine you have a craving for, or by a nearby popular city.

Some of the restaurants participate in a CashCoupon deal. That means you earn cash back from each order you place. Once you have enough cash to order a free meal, you can redeem your coupon. You don’t have to wait for this deal to start saving on Eat 24, however. Simply use the savings code “WeGotYourBack” or “VIPdessert” when you are on the checkout screen. It will give you an instant $5 off of your take-out order.

Eat24 is completely free to use and is much more convenient than ordering by telephone. You also don’t need to fill your junk drawer with take-out menus as all of the menus are available on the website for you to scroll through. Many of the restaurants also have a delivery option if you don’t want to pick the food up at the restaurant itself.

There is just one thing I don’t like about Eat24’s website. When I search for a nearby store on many other sites, I am given a list as to the locations that are closest to me when none are available in my town. Eat24 doesn’t have this feature. You can go and search by big cities, but the closest big city to me is Philadelphia, and that is an hour and a half away. To far for take-out.

32GB Lexar Echo SE USB 2.0 Flash Drive

A Great Buy For Some Essential Backing Up

I don't know if backing up your stuff onto an extra hard drive is important to you but it is to me.  This buy that I just found is probably one of the best things because of the size of it.

Now before your mind goes straight to the gutter, I want you to know that it is entirely a productive tool for those that love to have their music on the go or maybe you are a busy business person that has many, many files.

Whatever it is, a thumb drive with 32GB of space is one of the easiest ways to carry some important information with you.  In the past, I have had more than enough situations involving the loss of my precious files including music and too much writing.

One of the instances involved my backup hard drive falling onto the ground because it was being used as last resort for information to be transferred onto a new computer.  And then the unthinkable happened, it fell about a foot from a shelf and within those brief moments, my heart stopped and my brain flew through the many files I had lost from an inexplicable action.

So when I say that a simple thumb drive with some essential space is something more than essential, I mean it.  I don't mean take everything on your computer with you, just the important stuff: the pics, favorite songs, your first short story, or even the list of books you'd love to read during your retirement.

So head over to newegg and pick yours up for as little as 24.99 with free shipping.  Doesn't that sound nice?  And you don't even have to get up from watching your television.

Japan’s Big F***** Sale!

Yes, It’s Vulgar, But I Can’t Seem to Stop Laughing

I can’t post the sign or the actual language here, but I wanted to share this bit of news from Japan that I can’t stop laughing over. Apparently a department store in Japan has executed a campaign with the slogan “F*****’ Sale.” This isn’t the first time we’ve seen such faux pas in the signage world, especially when it comes to marketing between cultures. One of my favorite examples, of course, is the Chevy Nova, a car that I loved growing up. Once I discovered that its name translated to “doesn’t go” in Spanish, of course, I laughed at the irony and have not been able to help but grin every time I have hear the word since.

But this is a pretty blatant use of a curse word, and I have to wonder if there really is an innocence behind its use or if the company is just banking on using the shock tactic to reel consumers into its store. “F*****,” after all, doesn’t have many other meanings that I can think of.

It does bring to mind several other fun examples of the wrong words being used for ads and sales, though. I have seen dozens of these on Facebook, and they serve as good reminders that we need to be careful about word choices—and that not all phrases translate well into different languages. My own Spanish teacher used to illustrate this to us each year by reading a letter by a man named Domingo Fuentes, who translated his own letter into English word for word, including his own name—“Sunday Fountains.” For some funny signs around the world, click here. You can find out where to get “genuine fake watches,” as well as where “only 50 cents is enough to feel the magic atmosphere” of a public water closet!

There is also this wonderful collection of faux pas, including a doctor who considers himself a specialist in women and other diseases, a bar in which women are asked to not have children, and a restaurant that is open for more than seven days a week, which sounds like a Beatles song. This collection isn’t as visually striking—it’s text only—but many are funnier than the previous gallery.

And finally, for hours of funny sign enjoyment, click here for even more lists and galleries to browse through. If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to laugh more, this might be a good page to bookmark.

Dove Hair Care Free Sample

I have frizzy hair that is hard to tame without getting out my hair straightener. I’m always on the lookout for a product that will work in my hair so that I can cut back on the time it takes to get ready in the morning. I happen to come across Dove’s website, where they are giving away a free sample of their new nourishing oil that is suppose to control frizz.

The product’s actual title is Dove Nourishing Oil Care Leave-in Smoothing Cream Sample. Not only does Dove claim that the product will control frizz, but it will also leave your hair with an attractive shine. What I like best is that the product can be used on wet hair, and on dry hair. So if I get a shower at night, I can use it on my dry hair in the morning. If I take a shower in the morning, I can go ahead and use it on my wet hair.

In order to get the free sample, you must register on Dove’s website. Another option is to sign-in using your existing Facebook account. I chose the second option. Facebook filled in some of the form for me, which saved a bit of time. You’ll need to supply your name, address, and email address, but your telephone numbers are optional. I left them blank.

The next step is to finish Dove’s brief survey, which basically just asks if you have ever used any of their products before, and how often. Afterward, you are told your sample will arrive shortly. You are invited to play the Ultimate Frizz Fighter game on their website.

Our Daily Bread: Free Devotionals

I love free samples, especially when they lift me up spiritually. Our Daily Bread is a free series of devotionals that have been around since 1956. I remember seeing them around the house, and on desks at church when I was kid. Now that I am an adult, I can order my own set.

Each devotion within Our Daily Bread is only 1 page long. A suggested scripture reading, as well as a story with a life application is included to complete the page. The devotional comes with enough devotions for three months at a time. When you sign up for free, you will continue to receive a free Our Daily Bread four times per year.

To sign up you must head to the Our Daily Bread website. Click on the link that says “Subscriptions.” Then, you will see several links. You can choose to receive the publication via one daily email. If so, just click the link and fill out your email address info. I prefer to receive mine in the mail, however, so I can look back at old lessons.

After you click the print edition sign-up form, you must fill out your name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address. Once you submit your info, you will be informed that your subscription will arrive within four to six weeks.

If you know anyone who would benefit from this devotional, but can only read large print books, simply print out a request form and mail it into the organization. This would be perfect for my grandmother, who uses a magnifying glass every time she needs to read something.

I'm Watch

So while searching for a great deal to announce to the masses, I found something that almost made my mind explode.  Now it may not have that affect on yours or maybe you have already seen it before but it is worth a look.

Behind this door is something new, something amazing, something that I would have dreamed of as a child when the future seemed so distant.  It is the smart watch.

It is called the i'm watch and you can take a look at the stylish things if you just click your mouse right on that link(the one that says i'm watch).  Anyways, they may be a little pricey starting at 249 euros but just think of the possibilities that this first watch will set off if it catches on.  It will surely be the future of watches.

I mean think about it, having the capabilities of your phone or tablet on your wrist.  And they even come in stylish gold or jewels.  If anything, it is probably the easiest way to carry your information and hopefully you may not lose it if it is attached to your wrist, right? 

So if you are in the market for a new watch and want to spend the money, why not spend your hard earned money on something that very few will have. And you may even impress some people with it.  Next time someone pulls their brand new tablet out, just casually look at your watch of the future.

If anything it will keep you organized and dressed to impress no matter what you wear.

Free Chocolate

Ginnero is offering some free treats.

Who doesn’t love chocolate? I know I sure do, and I have past that love on to my children. What I love even more than chocolate is getting things for free. Combining these two loves equals heaven for me. Fortunately, I get to have my wish. Ginnero is currently offering free chocolate samples to new customers.

I had never heard of Ginnero before, but I was excited to learn that this candy making company is family owned. The Ginnero Family started making candy back in 1925 in the town of Mackinaw City, Michigan. Today they sell more than just plain chocolate. They also sell sponge candy, chocolate covered pretzels, baby shower candy favors, and wedding chocolates.

What impressed me even more about this company was their willingness to cater to individuals. They specifically state on their website that if you don’t see what you are looking for in their candy catalog, simply ask them about it. They will strive to create candy in the flavor or design that you desire. Simply call 231-436-1066 to speak with one of the employees.

So how do you get the free samples? That’s easy. Just visit the website and fill out your email address, full name, complete mailing address, and then check the box at the bottom if you are interested in receiving the company’s Absolute Newsletter. After that, click the submit button. The company does make you confirm that you are interested by clicking a link in the email that they send you. Once you do this, your free chocolate sample box will be on its way.

Free Sample of Puffs

I love free samples of products I actually use. Puffs, a facial tissue designed and manufactured by Procter & Gamble, is offering a free sample of one of their newest Puffs products. The campaign is titled “Be the First to Know!” The company hopes that you will fall in love with their new product, purchase it when you have a need for tissues in the future, and tell everyone you know so that they will go out and do the same.

Some of the tissues that Puffs currently has available are Puffs Plus Lotion, Puffs Plus Lotion with the scent of Vicks, Puffs Ultra Soft and Strong, and Puffs Basic. I prefer the Puffs Basic tissues for everyday use, but I do switch to the Puffs Plus Lotion with the scent of Vicks when myself or my children are sick. I find that the Puffs products often go on sale at my local CVS store, so I watch their weekly ads so that I can stock up when this happens.

All you have to do to get the free sample is head to the secured request sample page. You’ll need to provide your name, address, email address, and birthdate. When you finish with that, you have the option of checking the box that signs you up for P&G Everyday Solutions. This allows you to get emails at a later date with various promotions, product samples, and special offers. You do not need to check the box in order to receive your free sample (although P&G hopes you will).

The sample is said to arrive within four to six weeks, but in my experience the sample always comes sooner than that.

Step 2 Play and Shade Patio Set for an Amazing $13.50

Step 2 Play and Shade Patio Set is perfect for younger children who want to enjoy some time outside on a nice day. The kids can color on the table, eat a snack, or play with their toys, while being sheltered from direct sunlight with the adjustable overhead umbrella. The umbrella can be easily removed, however, should your kids not want to use it.

This particular patio set is extremely durable, and is easy to clean. You can hose it down if it gets to messy, or just get a few cleaning wipes for small spills. Each of the chairs can hold a weight of up to 50 lbs. If your young ones end up coloring outside of the lines onto the table, a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is all you need to get the table back to its original condition.

Normally, the Step 2 Play and Shade Patio Set sells for $79.99. This makes it unattainable for many families that have to watch their budget. Fortunately, JC Penny is having an amazing sale. You can now get the Step 2 Play and Shade Patio Set for the low price of $15. That isn’t even the best news. You can use the code RMNAFF10 to get an additional 10% off of the patio set, making the final cost an amazing $13.50.

My children are to old for this patio set, but I plan on purchasing it for my niece since her birthday is in May, when outside activities begin to occur on a daily basis once again.
