National Mom's Nite Out

National Mom's Nite Out

Happening on May 10 at a mall near you


If you are a mom looking for great deals, then hire a babysitter and head to the mall to celebrate National Mom's Nite Out. National Mom's Nite Out takes place on May 10 and occurs in over 100 malls across the United States. There are participating malls from California all the way to Florida. I check my state and found four malls that I could go to.

The night's event begins at 5 p.m. and lasts until 9 p.m. Some malls may choose to extend these hours, but that is currently the standard across the board. Moms from all over will be able to take advantage of one-of-a-kind discounts. Goodie bags will be given away, and services like massages and manicures will be offered for free.

In addition to the many activities geared toward celebrating motherhood, many of the malls will also be presenting fashion shows. If you can't make the event, you can still watch the event, along with a bunch of live demonstrations on, the website the National Mom's Nite Out will be using for live streaming of the event.

You don't have to wait until May 10 to start receiving free goodies either. You can actually register on the National Mom's Nite Out website to become eligible for early giveaways from some of the National Mom's Nite Out sponsors. Registration is quick and painless, as the website only asks for your name and e-mail address. All updates and special offers will be send directly to your e-mail inbox. You can choose which offers you want to take advantage of.

I sure hope I can find a babysitter because this event has to0 many freebies for me to pass up!