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Free Software Every Day

Save money on your essential apps and programs

While the prices of computers, tablets, and smart phone have been declining, the cost of running essential software or apps have not.  Good software can cost hundreds of dollars. To save money, people usually switch to open source alternatives that serve their purpose but are not as good as the licensed software.  So, when I come across a deal or a freebie for quality software (not a trial, not a limited version – but a registered and legal version of the software) I usually scoop it up.  Here are a few of the sites I regularly visit to find the un-pirated, licensed software/apps I need at the great price of Zero! (PC) - Every day they offer free licensed software that you would have to buy otherwise.  Each piece of software offered is well reviewed and only available for 24 hours as a freebie.  While some offerings aren’t as good as others, there are some incredible offers.  I look here every morning to see if I can pick up a quality program for free.

Like its sister site, Game Give Away of the Day (PC) offers free, fully-licensed game software for PC’s.  While this is billed as a daily giveaway, it seems that it is updated a little more sporadically.  For example, it has been four days since their last update.  But, if you are a gamer and want to enjoy something new on occasion, check this site out to get your fix. 

The Appstore by Amazon (Android Phone/Tablet) – Like the Google Market for Android phones, Amazon has launched their own Appstore.  One of the advantages of using the Appstore is that Amazon offers a free app of the day.  As mentioned above, sometimes the free app isn’t much to write home about (or text a friend about), but on occasion they throw us a bone of a high value, must have app.

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