Free Gevalia coffee sample

Free Gevalia coffee sample

Target offers free samples for coffee lovers

I am always on the lookout for a great tasting coffee. I tried Gevalia several years back when they were offering a free coffee pot. I can vouch that the coffee is rich and desirable. Instead of a free coffee pot, Gevalia is now offering a free sample of their ground coffee.

In order to get your free Gevalia coffee sample, you must head to Target’s free sample page and click on the Gevalia coffee image. Next, you’ll have to answer an eight-question survey, which I found to be easy and quick. These questions are just basically listed to find out whether you have any experience with Gevalia, and what types of coffee you currently drink.

After the survey, you will be required to fill out your full name and mailing address. This information is needed to send you the free sample. There is also a space for your e-mail address, but this is not required in order to get the free sample. Finally, you’ll want to un-check the box to receive future e-mail updates if you don’t plan on sharing your e-mail address. Click “Next” and you will have a chance to confirm that you are a real person by completing the math question that pops up.

Once you submit your Gevalia free sample request form, you will see a message that states your sample will arrive within eight to 10 weeks. This is about two weeks longer than most samples, but you can’t rush free! Since I already own a Gevalia coffee pot, I can’t wait to get my free sample and enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee.